Jack Dawlia site ^_^

I <3 PORTAL!!!!!

Portal is one of my biggest long-term interests !! (spoilers ahead)

What is portal?

(i doubt i really need to have this sections but shh) Portal (released in 2007) and portal 2 (released in 2011) are fps-kinda puzzle games! You are chell, a test suject (and the only human test subject in portal 2), making your way through the abandoned Apature Science Laberatories to the one and only GlaDOS! where u then kill her sad face

Why i love portal so much?

I don't really know why portal clicks with me so much, but it takes up a biggggg section of my brain that turns on and off every so often! One of the first video game memories have is of my dad playing portal with a keyboard wired up to the tele :P

I also LOVE scifi with silly robots, never been a big high-sci fi starward startrek stuff fan , and to me portal is just the right ammount of sci fi nonsense ^_^


My most prized possession <3

Portal 2 collectors edition guide
i love portal gif Portal is so cool i love portals stamp
robot wife glados blinkie labrat blinkie wheatley blinkie How are you doing? Because I'm a potato blinkie Spaaaaace blinkie neurotoxin ahead blinkie I don't want your damn lemons blinkie Target acquited portal turrets blinkie
cube love icon