Jack Dawlia site ^_^

A page of just lyrics i like :)

I’m watching TV, and I’m reminded of something from way back when, and it makes me feel guilty, and then I’m distracted all over again by something on the TV, and I forget what I remembered, and now I’m absently watching, but I’m still feeling guilty
- Lose your cool, Stuck
Mousetraps crack on a blacked out rat
How does that sound?
Cheese or an intact back?
- 1fish2fish, THe Stereosexuals
I wanna be like the thing that I hate:
One hundred legs patiently lying in wait.
The predator unconcerned by his prey,
he hasn’t moved in a couple days.

I am the cockroach hissing alone,
another panicked and twitching drone,
helpless and purposeless, writhing around,
can’t even get my fucking feet on the ground.

I’m the cicada who is screaming for help,
I am the yellow jacket stinging himself,
I am the bedbug bleeding the world dry,
I am the ant laboring till I die.
- Bug song, Stuck
Kai perplauksi upę
Kitam jos krante,
Tu viską pamirši
Bet rasi mane.
- Kai perplauksi upę, FOJE
(very) rough translation:
when you cross the river
On the other side,
You will forget everyhting
But you'll find me.
"The critique does not exclude me! I've become the anathema!"
- We Think So Ill of You, Sprain